A New Journey

In 2012, sailing on the path of success and good fortune Ravi totally submitted towards his feeling of gratitude. His ever daring attitude to take bold decisions and explore newer paths helped him take the decision to bid farewell to the CEO office to pursue his passion for devoting full time to the call of his conscience.
The news of him taking early retirement @50 at the acme of his career took everyone by a huge surprise. But he just changed lanes and took the road that took him to follow his dream to uplift the lives of those who were less fortunate. He also started mentoring and advising individuals and businesses with his experience and supported several large organizations and start ups in enhancing their efficiency, effectiveness and public image. But soon he realized that he has ought to give his 100% to achieve his dream of bridging the rich and poor gap in the society.
Ravi is fully devoted now to his social responsibility in different ways through his initiative, Prama Jyoti Foundation (PJF), which he had started in 2009.
Along the process of working to achieve the objectives of PJF Ravi realized that for filling this gap between rich and poor one needs to apply a two way approach, which includes addressing the challenge of good quality education for all and promoting a culture of goodness that inspires everyone to spare extra portions of their physical possessions and energy for adding value to life of others. To Identify, appreciate and spread Goodness amongst all Ravi has started a new mission called ‘The Chetna’.
In his new journey Ravi is celebrating the joy-ride called life. His companions in this journey are excellence, gratitude and goodness.